為了使查詢人仕對本社之運作及處理有些瞭解, 因許多人誤解 (私家偵探) 主要追查 (通姦證據), 實際在日常生活或工作裡有很多困擾事情, 想尋求一個明白, 我們是樂意為閣下解決. 如租務的糾紛, 商業的......等事情.
E商業 / 私家偵探England Credit Investigations Bureau

你好!我們正在出售位於灣仔的辦公室。您可以在以下連結獲得更多信息: hk-conventionplaza.com 你可以給我們留言或發送電子郵件至[email protected]與我聯繫。希望能盡快與您聯繫! Our office is offered for sale. For more infomation: hk-conventionplaza.com
物業地產 / 辦公室買賣會展辦公室出售 - Convention Plaza Office For Sale

消閒及娛樂 / 派對場地龍藏九竇

尖沙咀區,包全屋傢電,合商務及長租人士 Full furniture with washing machine and mini kitchen


甲級寫字樓, 荔枝角億京2期辦公室分租, 1人辦公室$3,500起 *** Special Offer One Month Free ***

銅鑼灣 emergencyLAB-藝術創作生活為主題的個性空間,附設戶外露台,適合各類型私人或商務派對/活動,可容納20-100人,並提供場地設計及製作服務

The landscaped garden offers a relaxing lifestyle, peace and tranquility of green living.

本店提供包場及私人派對服務 , 食物及酒水 聯絡: 6925 5576 電郵: [email protected]
h消閒及娛樂 / 派對場地happy happy bar


most of the car distributors' maintenance workshops are located. equipped with a full size spay/baking room which is utilized by many tuning companies within Hong Kong.

多用途活動場地 包場派對 九龍會議室 生日會場地 wine tasting, speed dating 租場出租包括: 商品發佈會、私人會議、展覽會、商業活動、小型市集、表演活動、私人派對、生日派對、小朋友生日派對、音樂派對、驚喜求婚派對、攝影場地、餐飲聚會,可為您提供派對所需的設備、用品及餐飲服務,詳情請與我們聯絡。

為商業大廈,屋苑,商場,寫字樓,酒店,食肆, 會所,住宅提供清潔及滅蟲服務。致力於香港清潔業務,並服務於社會各階層。
商業 / 清潔及滅蟲中誠清潔綜合服務有限公司

從業員協會為非牟利機構 定期舉辦資訊硏討會,交流會 展覽會,就業輔導會, 提供教學及教育或培訓課程, 產品及工具賣物會項目等。
H商業 / 會社、組織及團體Hong Kong Leather Goods Employee Association

INTERNATIONAL ARTS AND CRAFTS is a major mammoth ivory carving and hippo ivory carving importer, exporter, manufacturer and retailer in Hong Kong, China. We currently export more than 3,000 products
I消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝International Arts and Crafts

Training objectives include strengthening self-confidence and promoting supportive spirit, independent and creative thinking (lateral thinking), fostering teamwork.

We are a Hong Kong real estate agency that specializes in Residential and Commercial properties, let us guide you through the whole renting and buying process

Having specialised in boat, yacht and general marine chandlery since 1977, we feel that we have the right experience, suppliers and stock to offer a level of advice, service and value to serve you th

花之精靈 ~ 是一間以絲花為主題的精品店,當中服務包括有特別為婚禮而設的特式絲花花球、宴會 襟花、 首創手鐲臂花 、各式頭花、介指盆、花筆、車花佈置、花藝擺設、花之精品及生活雜貨等 ... 。 而 絲花花球及車花佈置更設有外租服務 。本店 亦經常為有 須要到外國結婚及影婚紗相的新娘 度身訂造各式 絲花精品, 所有絲花花材均精挑細選,可比媲 美 鮮花! 花之精靈 的精品 ~ 是鮮花以外的另一種新鮮
F鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Flower Fairies

Vision: - To be the leader in professional golf services industry Mission: - Support and promote golfing in the community - Exceed customers’ expectations by creating unprecedented value - Set
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